Helmet Size Guide by Dublin

When choosing a riding helmet, there are several factors that affect fit:

How will you wear your hair? Wearing your hair up inside the helmet versus having your hair down will alternate the fit. Ensure the base of your ponytail is beneath the helmet, not inside the helmet. 

Hairnets also change the fit and can add a little more grip. Drastic haircuts will impact the way your helmet fits - so if you have one planned, wait to buy that new helmet until after your haircut; lest you find yourself with a helmet that is too big after making the chop!

Head shape is another important factor in helmet fit and sizing. Consider the shape of the helmet; is it round or oval? Deep or shallow?

Step 1. Measure

Starting one inch above your eye brows, use a measuring tape to accurately measure your head. Ensure the measuring tape is level from front to back. We recommend to fit to a snug, yet comfortable tightness as most helmet padding will relax and expand - causing the helmet to get looser as it's worn consistently.

Step 2. Size Guide

Use the size guide of your desired style to determine which size to try. Note that our chart is to be used as a guide only. 

Step 3. Try It On!

Choose the helmet you would like. Find your local retailer to try on various types of helmets to figure out which style will suit you best. 

Make sure to view and download our helmet sizing infographic below and have this information handy at the barn or the tack shop!

Helmet Size Guide by Dublin